Worldmap by Gravius


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Title: ‘ Kaart van de Geheele Wereld na de Alderlaatste Ondekkingen verbeterd en Uitgegeven tot Amsterdam by N.T. Gravius.’ 

Contemporary handcoloured engraving , designed by Jacob de Keizer and corrected by N. Klockhoff. Published in 1789.

Rare small world map on Mercator's projection. New Zealand is fully delineated and the eastern coast of Australia (Nieuw Holland) is beginning to take shape based on Captain James Cook's second voyage, although Tasmania is still connected to Australia. The location of Cook's death in the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) in 1779 during his third voyage is noted. The new United States is named "Vereen State" and extends west to the Mississippi River. A River of the West (West Rivier) extends from the Pacific well into the middle of North America.

Size: 17,5 x 29 cm

Condition: Very good, visible folds as published

VAT: Margingoods


Search for: worldmap, world, map, antique, old map. Mappemonde, wereldkaart , oude kaart, antieke kaart,america, united states, australie, james cook, gravius, keizer, atlas, nova zembla, japan, california, engraving,